Universität Mannheim

Toolbox Anglistik Ⅳ


Welcome to the toolbox of the Anglistik Ⅳ team at the English Department of Mannheim University

The toolbox groups together resources and methods used in research and teaching at Anglistik Ⅳ (Chair Prof. Dr. Carola Trips).

Please click on one of the categories listed in the navigation bar above to access the various tools and tutorials.

Three versions of the same sentence from the Peterborough Chronicle: manuscript photograph, parsed corpus sentence, and partial syntax tree

Source (top): Chronicle of England. Additions in French ('The Peterborough Chronicle', E text). c. 1121–1140. Bodleian Library MS. Laud Misc. 636, Photo: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.

Source (middle): File 'cmpeterb-m1' from Kroch, Anthony, Ann Taylor, and Beatrice Santorini. 2000–. The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English (PPCME2). Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, second edition, release 4.

Source (bottom): Sentence treated with the penn2svg tool from the BASICS Toolkit.

With contributions by
  • Tabea Harris
  • Lena Kaltenbach
  • Mareike Keller
  • Michael Percillier
  • Yela Schauwecker
  • Students of the HWS 2018 seminar Corpus Linguistics
Website development and design by Michael Percillier.
For questions, suggestions, and comments about the website, please contact Prof. Dr. Carola Trips.